11 Articles About Meat & The Environment


You might want to bookmark this list:

1. “Livestock’s Long Shadow”:
An in-depth report about the environmental impacts of animal agribusiness. The report was published in 2006 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

2. “Putting Meat on The Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America”:
A comprehensive, fact-based and balanced examination of key aspects of the farm animal industry published in 2008 by the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production.

3. “Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)”:
A brief overview of factory farming’s environmental and health threats from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

4. “How Do CAFOs Impact the Environment?”:
Short article about factory farms that says things like “Failures to properly manage manure and wastewater at CAFOs can negatively impact the environment and public health.” From the US Environmental Protection Agency.

5. “Meat: the slavery of our time”:
Short article that makes the case that humans will go vegetarian out of necessity, not compassion or choice published in Foreign Policy magazine.

6. “Aren‘t ‘humane’ animal products more sustainable?”
Short piece about how meat-eaters must choose between being kind to animals or to the environment, but they can’t have both.
From the Humane Myth website FAQ.

7. “Vegetarian is the New Prius”
Short article drawing conclusions from the UN report.
From the Huffington Post.

8. “The Low-Carbon Diet”
Article about meat-reduction and vegetarianism for the environment from the Audubon Magazine.

9. “Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler”
Compares meat-eating with driving gas-guzzlers. From the New York Times.

10. “As More Eat Meat, a Bid to Cut Emissions”
A world-wide perspective on meat consumption and environmental destruction published in the New York Times.

11. “UN says eat less meat to curb global warming”
A plea to reduce meat consumption by going meatless one day a week, and it’s reactions. From The Guardian.


This list was first published on Vegan Soapbox in July 2009. It has been republished to reach a new audience.