7 Reasons to Give Up Meat, Dairy Products and Eggs This Lent

Go vegan for Lent!

Lent is a time for giving things up. For Christians, it’s a way of remembering how Jesus fasted in the desert. Many non-religious people also choose to make a change to their diet for the tradition of Lent. Instead of giving up chocolate or alcohol this Lent, why not try the 40-day vegan challenge? Here are seven reasons why it’s an excellent decision:

  1. Going vegan helps to alleviate world hunger. More than half of the world’s crops are used to feed farmed animals, not people. It’s far more sustainable for us all to eat the crops directly, rather than eat the animals.
  2. A vegan diet is becoming increasingly popular, with more people making conscious decisions to change to a greener, more compassionate lifestyle. Join the party.
  3. Save money at the supermarket. Some of the most versatile vegan foods, such as rice, beans, vegetables, tofu and pasta, cost relatively little compared to animal products.
  4. Stop holding double standards. Why love your dog but eat the flesh of a pig? If you love animals, the only way to be 100 per cent sure that you’re not supporting cruelty towards them is by not buying animal products.
  5. Open your mind to new foods and increase your cooking repertoire. See our vegan starter kit for recipe ideas!
    Ashes Potluck
  6. Care about the environment? Vegans have the smallest carbon footprint, generating a volume of greenhouse gases 41 per cent smaller than that of meat-eaters.
  7. Cutting out animal fats is one of the easiest ways to lose extra weight. Get in shape for spring.

Convinced? Sign the vegan Lent pledge today!

Take the pledge