Swap Your Tired Leather for a New Pair of Cruelty-Free Wills Vegan Shoes and Get 20 Per Cent Off

Wills-logo-high-res-no-backgroundOnce they learn about the cruelty of the leather industry, most people can’t wait to stop wearing the skin of dead animals. Now, we’re making it even easier to “veganise” your wardrobe by teaming up with stylish ethical shoe company Wills!

Here’s the deal – if you send PETA a pair of your old leather shoes, Wills will send you a voucher to get 20 per cent off a pair of brand-new cruelty-free shoes from its online store.

Wills’ shoes are not just good looking – they win on every ethical criterion, since they’re sustainable, sweatshop-free and harm no animals in their production. We’ll use the donated shoes as part of our ongoing campaign to highlight the cruelty of the leather industry.

The Problem With Leather

Leather screenshotEvery year, the global leather industry slaughters more than a billion animals and tans their skins and hides. Many of these animals endure all the horrors of factory farming – including extreme crowding and confinement, deprivation and un-anaesthetised castration, branding, tail-docking and dehorning – as well as cruel treatment during transport and slaughter.

The industry also damages the environment – and human health. Highly toxic materials such as formaldehyde, mineral salts, coal-tar derivatives and various oils, dyes and finishes – some of which are cyanide-based – are used to turn animal skins into leather. The majority of leather comes from China and India, countries with poor environmental and workplace standards, and leather workers have little protection against toxins that studies have shown result in higher incidences of cancer, blindness, respiratory problems, skin diseases and birth defects in those working at, or living close to, tanneries.

Watch Stella McCartney’s shocking exposé to learn more.

Modern cruelty-free microfiber looks and breathes like leather but lasts longer, repels water and doesn’t cost cows, sheep or any other animals an arm and a leg – so there’s no excuse for killing animals for their skins.

How It Works

Send your leather shoes to:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Foundation

8 All Saints Street

London N1 9RL

United Kingdom

Please be sure to include your name and e-mail address with the shoes. You’ll then receive an e-mail from Wills with your voucher so you can get shopping. It’s simple!

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One 20 per cent off voucher will be issued for each pair of leather shoes sent to PETA. A voucher cannot be combined with any other offers. Vouchers will be sent by e-mail within 3 weeks of PETA receiving each pair of shoes. PETA will share individuals’ name and e-mail address with Wills Vegan Shoes only for the purpose of enabling the voucher to be sent. Read Wills’ privacy policy here.

By participating in this offer and giving us your details, you’re acknowledging that you’ve read and you agree to our privacy policy.