You can help Animal Place save more animals like comedy genius calf Panda Bob!


This is Panda Bob. He’s a rescued calf that lives at Animal Place. He’s also AWESOME. If you follow us on FB, you may have seen me share Panda Bob’s status updates from Animal Place’s FB. I do so for the simple fact that HE’S ADORBS AND HILAR! Here’s his latest update, to give you a taste:


Dear World,

It’s me, Panda Bob.

This is me in profile. Around a kajillion dollars have been spent on determining which side is my best side. Science says, left side. SCIENCE.

Next week will be breaking news. I’m preparing you for this now. PREPARE.

You’re going to meet my new neighbors who are not as cute as I am, because I am the cutest. CUTEST. But they’re alright.

In other news, you can see Mortimer’s butt and rear leg in this photo. People keep saying “what about Mortimer?” and I’m all over here in profile going “what about my adorbs left side?” So, there’s that.

In Profile,

Panda Bob

ISN’T HE FANTASTIC AND AMAZING? (Hint: YES) Well now Animal Place and Panda Bob need YOUR help. They want upgrade their rusty old transport trailer to a new, bigger, safer trailer! The trailer will be used to rescue even more awesome animals who need a good home as well as transport animal residents to vet visits. But they need cash money to buy it!

That’s where you come in! Go to this link and donate whatever you can! Besides the satisfaction of knowing you helped save animals, they also have great perks. $10 gets you an exclusive video link of Panda Bob meeting the new trailer once they get it; $500 gets you a meet and greet with Panda Bob in person!!!! There are plenty of other cool perks too. So go donate now! Do it for the animals! Do it for Panda Bob!


This is how Panda Bob feels about the old trailer. HATES IT.