GMO Myths and Truths

Today saw the second annual March Against Monsanto, a global anti-GMO protest with demonstrations held in at least 52 countries and 47 US states.

Indeed, on my errands in town today, I spotted a gathering of sign holders attempting to inform the people in passing cars that we’re all “lab rats.” Unfortunately, they chose a fairly busy circle, so I didn’t have much of a chance to read the signs nor interact.

However, it’s an important issue that deserves attention and some deliberate at-home reading of the literature. One such resource has just this month been updated — to a whopping 330 pages — from its first appearance two years ago. Written by a couple genetic scientists and a researcher, it compiles the studies, some quite recent, and draws what conclusions can so far be drawn.

You can download that report, GMO Myths and Truths, here at

Their video from 2012 prior to the failed initiative on mandatory labeling of genetically engineered food, California Proposition 37, which spawned the March Against Monsanto movement: