May 31: Vegan Professional Bootcamp hits Colorado Springs

Vegan Mainstream Professional Bootcamp in Portland, Oregon

Vegan Mainstream Professional Bootcamp in Portland, Oregon

Vegan professionals will gather in Colorado Springs this coming Saturday to talk about business boosting strategies, vegan marketing and more, and the air will be thick with excitement and inspiration!

The event will include workshops and presentations by several local vegans, as well as Vegan Mainstream’s managing director Stephanie Redcross. The Colorado Springs bootcamp promises to be another action-packed day filled with valuable learning and networking, Redcross says.

“It’s always so much fun to see the process that people go through in such a short period of time. Everyone leaves inspired and excited to get back to work, to hit the ground running with all their new ideas.”

The lineup for Saturday includes:

a presentation from JL Fields, Vegan Cook, Lifestyle Coach and Educator on Leveraging Local Media to Become a Household Name
a workshop with Joshua LaBure, Co-Founder of NOOCH Vegan Market on Getting Started
a presentation from Lisa Shapiro, Director of All Things Vegan on Getting Your Product to the Marketplace and Building a Successful Brand
a workshop with Stephanie Redcross, Managing Director of Vegan Mainstream on Social Selling (Stop Sucking at Social Media!)

In addition, there will be panel discussions, networking sessions, and a final workshop with Redcross on Rethinking Customer Engagement. It’s a learning symposium, and participants will walk away with a head full of great ideas.

Sophia Treyger has been running the business Mindfoodness for about six months. She attended the first Vegan Mainstream Professional Bootcamp of 2014 in Portland, Oregon.  “I would recommend this event,” she says. “If you are a new biz owner (or old), the networking with and mentoring from vegan professionals is fantastic.  It was a supportive and excited group of people. I felt affirmed in my mission!”

If you haven’t already signed up for this event and would like to do so – or if you’d like more information about this event or bootcamps in other cities, visit 2014 Vegan Mainstream Professional Bootcamps.