We Are Thousands Strong Against Cruel Chicken Farm Proposal

We recently asked our supporters to join us in opposing plans to build an intensive broiler chicken production facility in Upton Snodsbury, Worcestershire.

We were overwhelmed by the response.

More than 26,000 people signed our letter to the Wychavon District Council urging planning officers to reject the proposal, which would condemn up to 160,000 chickens at a time to a life of unabated misery. On broiler farms – where chickens are raised for meat – birds are crammed into dark filthy sheds. They usually have the ends of their sensitive beaks cut off without any painkillers in order to prevent them from pecking one another in the stressful, crowded environment.

WE Chickens transport copy

Jo-Anne McArthur / weanimals.org

Chickens on this type of farm are also often dosed with large amounts of antibiotics, and they have been bred to grow so large so fast that they often become crippled under their own weight and have trouble walking. Broiler chickens are usually killed when they are just 41 days old – meeting a terrifying endin the abattoir whilestillconscious.

It’s hardly surprising that so many of you were moved to speak out against this cruelty.

Last year, encouraged by PETA and many compassionate members of the public, the Wychavon District Council refused to grant permission for similar plans, submitted by Edward Davies, to be implemented. Shockingly, its decision was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate at the 11th hour. Davies’ new application, which is for four new units, would condemn twice as many animals to the living nightmare that is an intensive farming facility.

It would also be a blight on the local landscape, creating traffic, noise, pollution and unpleasant smells, as well as contributing to the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change.

We’ll do everything that we can to make sure it is never built. Thank you to everyone who signed our letter – we’ll let you know as soon as there are new developments.

In the meantime, everyone can help chickens right now – by refusing to eat them. Our 30-day vegan pledge is a great place to start!
