Vegan Carob Protein Balls

The recipe that follows is one variation of a peanut butter carob protein ball that I make frequently to snack on during lunch meetings at work or while playing at chess tournaments. They are a superb and tasty source of energy, rather filling for their size, relatively healthy compared to store-bought protein bars, and easy to make.

Recipe makes about 21 Tablespoon-sized balls.

As usual, most ingredient measurements are exact, i.e., by weight. I’ve tried to approximate the volume measurements in parentheses.

120 g oats, ground to a flour (1.5 cups)

10 g spirulina (1 Tb)
10 g rice protein powder (1 heaping Tb)
20 g hemp protein powder (2 heaping Tb)
40 g carob powder (4 Tb)
cinnamon and nutmeg to taste
24 g raisins (2 packed Tb)
1/2 cup non-dairy milk
64 g chunky peanut butter (1/4 cup)
64 g chunky almond butter (1/4 cup)
1 tsp vanilla extract
70 g liquid sweetener of choice (3 1/2 Tb)

Step by step pictorial…

oat flour, cinnamon, spirulina, and nutmeg

rice and hemp protein powders

carob powder


non-dairy milk, nut butters, and sweetener

One thing I often do with the sweetener is to cut it in half calorically with an all-fruit jam, in this case, strawberry.

Pour wet into dry and mix well

A thick, chocolate-like dough is the result

Scoop up the dough by the Tablespoon and roll into balls. If it’s too sticky, like this batch, which had a bit more than a 1/2 cup of soymilk, moisten the palms of your hands with water. Place on a cookie sheet or, as above, in the wells of a cupcake pan, and freeze for a couple hours. Enjoy! :)

Note: If you use one of the links above, I get a small cut of the sale (at no extra cost to you). Even without this incentive, I recommend them for these treats.