So You want to be Vegan but Love Cheese?

?And your problem is? Why would you give up cheese ? There are so many vegan cheeses on sale now, in fact more dairy free vegan cheese than you can shake a stick at!?
Dairy Free Vegan Cheeses – Vegusto Swiss Vegan CheeseMade from rice, soya, nuts., peas, oats, seeds, potatoes and all manner of other things dairy free vegan cheese is rocking the world and shaking up cheese boards and pizza restaurants and cheese toasties and filled rolls.
Sales are partly drived by lactose and dairy protein intolerance concerns, partly by ethical and environmental and health concerns but mainly because some vegan cheese is so good that many people prefer it to cow’s cheese!
Even Tesco supermarkets sell vegan cheese now but if you’ve not had a chance to taste a good dairy free cheese then get yourself along to a vegfest or vegan festival happening near you soon!
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