Meet the Activists Who Are Taking a Stand Against Bullfighting in Pamplona

As the city of Pamplona in Spain gears up for the annual San Fermín festival this weekend – in which dozens of frightened animals will be forced by drunken revellers to run through the streets and then killed in bullfights – we’re preparing, yet again, to bear witness and speak out for these silent victims.

Activists from all over the world are making their way to Pamplona in order to join dozens of compassionate Spanish volunteers for a chilling protest against the cruelty and bloodshed. Meet some of the team, and learn why they’re taking a stand.

Daniela Romero Waldhorn

Daniela y Pancho

“I truly believe that no tradition justifies harming other beings that suffer.”

Spanish activist Daniela tirelessly speaks out for animals as a member of AnimaNaturalis.

Alistair Choat


“I’m happy to do whatever I can to expose the cruelty of the Running of the Bulls and bullfighting.”

Fifty-one-year-old Alistair is a Londoner through and through and also the proud owner of the famed Norman’s Coach and Horses in Soho, London’s first and so far only entirely vegetarian-and-vegan pub!

Nana Bjørnlund

Nana B2

“As a civilised person, I cannot know about this kind of cruelty without taking every step I can to prevent it. I will not be a bystander!”

Copenhagen-born Nana has lived in Barcelona for the last five years with her husband and FIVE rescued cats.

Ashishwangh Limki Auvray


“If I were not to stand up and act against this barbaric, sadistic, unacceptable suffering, I’d become – due to my indifference – the best ally of these torturers.”

French literature professor Ashishwangh hails from Bombay, India, and is a marathon runner as well as an animal activist in her spare time.

Christiane Schulze


“The demonstration against the bull fighting is so important for me because I don’t just want to complain about what is wrong in the world but want to speak up!”

Christiane lives in Barcelona but is originally from a town near Hamburg, Germany.

Ella Clarke


“I adore this country for its spirit, landscapes and weather, but the atrocities that happen here with regards to animals are heart wrenching.”

Originally from Canada, 34-year-old Ella has been living in Pamplona for the last two years. She has a love of Spanish culture but is calling for one life-saving improvement.

Kate Laycy


“Attending this demonstration is so so important to me because no animal deserves to be tortured and killed.”

Manchester actor Kate is determined to make her voice heard and help to bring an end to the suffering in Pamplona.

Yvonne Lemmen


“Participating in Pamplona is important to me because I want people to realise what they are actually supporting by taking part in the ‘running of the bulls’.”

PETA Netherlands team member Yvonne is now based in London but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to speak out in Spain.

Mathilde Sezille


“Bulls are sacred to me, they are both peaceful and powerful, it is very important for me to help them find peace again, they don’t deserve to be turned into monsters for public enjoyment or for some or for some bloodthirsty entertainment”.

Mathilde works as a nanny and is also an aspiring fire-fighter. She’s travelling from France to attend the demonstration.

Hayley Crick

Hayley Crick 2

“Tormenting and butchering animals can never be justified as entertainment.”

As a midwife, Aussie Hayley is all about celebrating the miracle of life … not the unnecessary death of innocent animals for entertainment.

Isabelle Guaran


“I have to admit that I initially looked into the San Fermin festival as a potential tourist, but I soon realised that the event is a mask for unacceptable cruel treatment of some beautiful animals.”

The second Aussie of the bunch, Isabelle wrote her honours thesis on animal law. She lives in Sydney, and this will be her first visit to Spain.


We are so tremendously proud of and grateful for all our supporters, activists and volunteers from all over the world and all walks of life. Thanks to them, our bullfighting message is being heard louder and more clearly than ever before.

Anyone anywhere can be a voice for animals. If you’d like to appear in our next demo or just want to find out about other ways in which you can make a difference, please join our Action Team today!