PETA’s ‘Lettuce Lady’ Descends on Holyrood With Vegan Pizza

Members of the Scottish Parliament were able to leave their lunch boxes at home on Thursday. To mark World Vegan Month, a PETA volunteer visited Holyrood with delicious vegan pizza, courtesy of award-winning pizzeria La Favorita Delivered, after First Minister’s Questions.

PETA Vegan Pizza Scottish Parliament

PETA is eager to show everyone, from MSPs to everyday Edinburghers, how delicious and healthy vegan food can be. Demand for dairy-free products is on the rise: according to recent reports, one in five Brits now includes non-dairy milks in his or her weekly shopping trip, and research group Mintel has found that the market has increased by a staggering 155 per cent in the last two years. Choosing vegan snacks and meals is a great way to reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease, strokes, diabetes, obesity and cancer – and of course, each person who goes vegan saves more than 100 animals every year from daily suffering and a terrifying death.

“November is World Vegan Month, so there’s never been a better time to try the delicious vegan meals on offer at so many of Edinburgh’s restaurants, including pizza, sushi and curry”, said “Lettuce Lady” Jenna McGuinness about the pizza giveaway. She wants Edinburghers to know that meals such as pizza with dairy-free MozzaRisella cheese from La Favorita Delivered  and the vegan haggis–topped baked potato from The Baked Potato Shop make going vegan easy in the capital city.