Surprising Desserts Made With Tofu!

There’s this joke that circulates amongst vegans, and it goes a little
something like this. A vegan brings cupcakes into work but doesn’t
tell anyone the cupcakes are vegan. Everyone eats the cupcakes and
loves them. The vegan then tells everyone the cupcakes are vegan.
Everyone spits out the vegan cupcakes and throws up and cries and
maybe dies. The vegan is sad. End of story.

Well, I think it’s time to reclaim vegan desserts and to sing them
from the heavens. They are delicious, they are decadent, and they are
worth every tasty calorie. So, yes, vegans (and vegetarians) (and lots
of omnivores!) eat tofu for dessert, and yes, it is scrumptious. And
you know which dessert is the most wonderful of them all this time of
year? The vegan pumpkin pie! Spicy and creamy and filled with the
taste of Autumn, this pie is the Queen Pie to all other pies and
should be eaten at least a million times this holiday season. I’ve
included my favorite pumpkin pie recipe below, along with a few other
favorites! Happy Desserting!

Pumpkin Pie

The official pie recipe of fall, and also the official pie recipe of my heart. I love it so much, and this recipe is one of my favorites. The tofu soaks up all the spices to create a simultaneously light and rich dessert perfection. 

Strawberry Chocolate Tofu Daifuku

Have you ever eaten mochi? Because mochi will change your life! Usually mochi calls for mochi flour, but this recipe uses tofu and potato starch to create the sticky goodness. I could eat this version with fresh strawberries and rich chocolate at the end of every meal, and in fact, might start doing just that.

Cappuccino Cloud Cheesecake

A fluffy, sweet, creamy cheesecake that packs an espresso punch. Could you ask for anything more? It’s coffee and dessert in one irresistible pie. 

Lemon Cream with Blueberries.

If you have five minutes and a five ingredients, you will have this cream that is basically the nectar of the Gods. Use it as frosting, slather it on fruit, or just eat it with a spoon. Divine. 

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Peanut butter and chocolate? Yes, please! Bring a batch of these beauties into work and prepare to have everyone bow at your feet.

This post is sponsored by the lovely folks at Nasoya!