Impressing Your Loved Ones with Vegan Holiday Cooking

I have to say, I’m glad Candle Cafe and the authors – Joy Pierson, Angel Ramos and Jorge Pineda – decided to focus on holiday foods. Thanksgiving and Christmas are a big deal, and each year when they come around, many vegans start to PANIC. Forums and online clubs are alight: “What am I going to make for my non-vegan family?”, “What can I bring to this party that will knock the socks off my friends (or at least not have them looking at said food item suspiciously and asking, “what is it?”)?”, or “I’m hosting this year – what am I going to make??!!” This book will bring a lot of comfort. It’s about more than Thanksgiving and Christmas – in fact it is organized in menus: Super Bowl Big-Game Parties, Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, Passover Seder, Easter Brunch, Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, 4th of July Backyard BBQ, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. They have got you covered.