Morrissey Spreads the Meat-Free Message on Tour

Barcelona, Berlin, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan and Paris are just a few of the cities that Morrissey’s latest European tour has taken him to – and wherever he’s gone, he’s made sure that his fans have heard the compassionate meat-free message loud and clear.

In addition to persuading all the venues that he’s performing at to go meat-free for the night, Moz also gave a show-stopping rendition of his iconic song “Meat Is Murder” – accompanied by harrowing video footage from abattoirs to help drive the point home. And his performances have led many people to rethink their dietary choices! We’ve compiled a few of the audience’s reactions:


Thanks, Morrissey! And thank you to all the PETA supporters who turned up to table and hand out pro-veg leaflets at each of his gigs.

Even if your personal following isn’t quite as large as Mozza’s, you can still be a positive influence on those around you! Most people can’t help but be moved and shocked when they see video footage of how animals are treated in abattoirs and on factory farms so sometimes sharing a video is all it takes to persuade someone to try out a cruelty-free diet.

Share our hard-hitting exposé “Glass Walls” to help spread the meat-free message!

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