Institut Français Says ‘Joyeux Noël’ to Ducks and Geese

French cultural institution foie gras crueltyThis week, we received a very welcome e-mail from London’s Institut Français:

I hear your concern concerning the “force feeding” [of] birds. We want all our students to enjoy the Christmas Market the best possible way in a festive atmosphere[.] I hope you will be happy to hear we all have agreed to ask the stall to remove foie gras from the menu.

A student studying French at the cultural centre – who also happens to be a PETA campaigner – was dismayed when she found out that cruel foie gras was to be featured in its Christmas Market on 6 December. She wrote to the organisers at once, explaining how ducks and geese suffer when they are violently force-fed to produce foie gras.

We’re delighted that the Institut Français has recognised compassionate considerations by making sure that the offending product was banished from the market! It joins notable foie gras–free institutions, including Wimbledon, Selfridges, the House of Lords and many others.

Often a quick e-mail or a polite conversation is enough to persuade businesses to do the right thing. So if you see foie gras on sale anywhere, please speak out!