Don’t Swallow. Ditch Dairy.

We love finding cheeky ways to grab people’s attention for animals, and our latest billboard is certainly going to stop passers-by!

Prompted by a recent Swedish study that shows an increased risk of sustaining bone fractures and of premature death among people who drink more cows’ milk, our latest billboard in Nottingham has a timely warning.

PETA Billboard Nottingham

It isn’t just because of the increased risk of bone fractures that you shouldn’t swallow this animal secretion. Dairy products are loaded with artery-clogging saturated animal fat and cholesterol. Cows’ milk is also the number one food allergy in young children, and it’s been linked to a variety of other health problems, including prostate and ovarian cancer.

Milk is bad for the cows, too. Cows are gentle, intelligent animals, who, when given the chance, will nurture their young and form lifelong friendships with one another. But cows on dairy farms have their newborn babies torn away from them and often have their horn buds burned out and are killed when their milk production declines, at 4 or 5 years of age – far short of their 25-year natural life expectancy.

For all these reasons, Britain’s taste for dairy products is changing: the volume sales of plant-based milks, such as soya milk, almond milk and rice milk grew by 155 per cent from 2011 to 2013, with one in five households now choosing to buy non-dairy products. Meanwhile, the sales of dairy milk dropped 20 per cent from 2010 to 2014. 

Like the billboard says, don’t swallow – ditch dairy! Start by ordering PETA’s free vegan starter kit: