Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use!


The big news of the week is that Chipotle won’t have pork at a third of its locations for some time since they found poor animal welfare at a major supplier. The company stated, “We would rather not serve pork at all than serve pork from animals that are raised in this way.” No carnitas? Try their Sofritas! The company’s doing a nationwide promo on for them on Monday, January 26.

While pork is off some of their menus for the time being, foie gras is back on a few menus for the time being in California as the attorney general decides whether to appeal last week’s bad court ruling. This week I debated a foie gras-using chef on NPR’s San Francisco station about the torturous product.

Starbucks is making good animal welfare progress, and the Village Voice published a very worthwhile article about it this week.

Finally, the Toledo Blade editorialized in favor of banning cage confinement of hens this week, writing that “The practice represents one of the most inhumane abuses that is still legal and widespread on American farms. California’s law should encourage Ohio and other major egg-producing states to enact similar reforms.”

P.S. Video of the week: The best way to get a cat back inside