Foie Gras Ban Lifted in California


Meet Ellen, Carrie, Emily, and Kristen, who were saved by Farm Sanctuary from a foie gras factory.

Pull out the tissues, because if you’re anything like me, this heartbreaking news will get them flowing.

In addition to the tragic violence in Paris today, animal activists were supremely disappointed to hear that U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson overturned the ban of selling foie gras in California. Twitter immediately went wild on both sides of the ban. 

The ban was passed in 2004, but took effect eight years later, which apparently pissed off a lot of chefs and patrons (i.e., assholes) in the California dining scene. I made the (rookie) mistake of reading the comments on some related posts, and it really bummed me out. People are genuinely stoked on the ban being overturned. On SFGate, Ken Frank, chef and owner of Michelin-starred La Toque in Napa, was quoted saying, “It goes on the menu tonight…All of my sous chefs are jumping up and down. This means chefs in California can cook with their favorite ingredient, just like chefs everywhere else in the world.” (Seriously?!? Ugh.) 

In case anyone isn’t aware of what foie gras is and how it is produced, it’s not for the light of heart. From PETA’s website: “[Factory farm] workers ram pipes down male ducks’ or geese’s throats two or three times daily and pump as much as 4 pounds of grain and fat into the animals’ stomachs, causing their livers to swell to up to 10 times their normal size. Many birds have difficulty standing because of their engorged livers, and they may tear out their own feathers and cannibalize each other out of stress.”

If you feel like sharing with your social networks, PETA posted this heart-wrenching image to their Facebook today, asking people to share if they’d never support this. 
