Animal News You Can Use: Why is the meat industry seeing red?


Why did Politico headline an article yesterday: “Attack on meat has industry seeing red”? In short, the massive news this week is that the US 2015 Dietary
Guidelines Advisory Committee made its recommendations public, and the
meat industry isn’t exactly happy. The recommendations emphasize a shift
toward plant-based diets, and remove the former recommendation to eat
lean meat. As
Politico reports, meat industry lobbyists are already gearing up
for a massive food fight in Washington over this. The lobbyists are
particularly upset, as the
Washington Post reports, that the recommendations note that plant-based eating
is better for both us and for the planet.

Other big news this week: Food service giant
made a huge announcement against battery cages and some of the other most inhumane factory farming practices.

And finally, industry attempts to pass ag-gag bills
continue to backfire
, as are its attempts to co-opt popular
pro-women hashtags

Video of the week
: Watch Moritz the pig solve his puzzle!