Puppies and vegan food abound at Positive Tails launch party!


At the last minute yesterday, I decided to go to the launch of the new non-profit charity organization Positive Tails. Boy am I glad I did—what a stupendous event! The party was sponsored by Vegansaurus-favorite Mooshoes, so YOU KNOW there was vegan food everywhere! There was also plenty of wine by Redhook Winery, and beer by Six Point (Six Point seems to sponsor a lot of animal-welfare events! NICE!) PLUS people could bring their pets! That’s my kind of party!

And I must say, Positive Tails seems like such a great organization:

Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group of Brooklyn (VERG), Positive Tails will provide grants to assist animals in three distinct ways – to fight animal abuse, help displaced animals and the over-population of dogs and cats, and to provide support to individuals and families who cannot afford veterinary emergency or illness care for their companion animals.

Several speakers told the rescue stories of their own dogs and I’m not one to cry but…the feels. 

Let’s talk more about the party!


Here’s a snap I got of the amazing all-vegan dessert spread by none other Vegan Treats. Look at the cutie pie dog and kitty one! I went for the cannoli of course; can’t eat those cute faces!


And vegan caterer Jay Astafa provided the savory! Including his famous battered and fried cauliflower, over a Brussles sprout-pomegranate slaw and topped with ranch and coconut bacon. OH EM GEE, amirite? The food was flying off the trays so I couldn’t get my own pic, this is from Jay’s Instagram, which you should def be following duh. 


And there were even vegan (the banana) and vegetarian (the apple ones have honey, no eggs or dairy) treats for the doggy guests from Biscuits By Lambchop! Not only are their treats meat-free, they are allergy-friendly as well! And the pups were gobbling them up. 


Like my new friend Tyson! He’s a total beefcake. *heart eyes emoji*


And probably the most important news from the night, THERE WAS A CAT IN A TUXEDO! And now we are Instagram friends! Meet Minnie Red, a rescued persian kitty with swagger for days. I highly recommend you follow him and his Park Slope adventures on Instagram as well. If you don’t, YOU WILL REGRET THAT DECISION FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (that’s my new catchphrase, you like? WELL DO YOU?!).


And as you can see, the event was VERY well-attended. I’d call it a smashing success!

If you want to learn more about Positive Tails and keep up with their latest news, follow them on FB! And you can donate to the org from their site, as well as apply for assistance, should you need to. 

Thanks Positive Tails! It was a blast!