Vegan black bean pupusas from Tres Latin Foods!


Back in my vegetarian days, there was a little place in DC that serve pupusas and I loved them! A Salvadoran staple, pupusas are little cornmeal cake-y pocket things stuffed with different yummy fillings and served hot. But sadly, I hadn’t had pupusas since going vegan, as they often have cheese. Well my pupusa-less days are behind me, thanks to Tres Latin Foods

So far, most of their flavors have cheese but not the black bean and corn. AND SPECIAL NEWS: they have a new flavor coming out! KALE AND PINTO BEAN! I can’t wait to try that! But they didn’t have that flavor at my Whole Foods yet so I was just able to try the black bean and corn.


There is not as much corn in them as the box image might suggest but never the less, they are delish. I love them! I could eat 100 but only 4 come in a box. Sad. I’ll be ok though as two is quite filling.

I prepared mine in the toaster. Just put a little olive oil on each side and cooked them for 10 mins at 400. So easy! And guess what, each pupusa has 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber—that’s kind of amazepants! Like, they are kind of tiny and don’t taste like some protein-packed thing. God bless beans, am I right?


One nice touch, there was a recipe on the side and I don’t know what the cheese pupusa boxes have but this one was vegan! I like that. Nice that they kept it vegan instead of like. “these are vegan AND GO GREAT WITH CHEESE.”

Moral of the story: LOVE THESE! Tres cheers for Tres pupusas! I can’t wait to try the kale-pinto bean flavor and I also def want to make some guacamole for my next round of the black bean ones.

They have them at Whole Foods like I mentioned but for a complete list of where to buy, check their site. SF folks can get them at Rainbow!!