10 Ways to Help Animals in Under 10 Minutes

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you didn’t need sleep? I do! I imagine that I would have enough time to whiz through my monotonous daily to-do lists and use my surplus time to focus on the things I’m truly passionate about, like saving animals. Sometimes our obligations leave us with little time to invest elsewhere. But fortunately, you don’t always need loads of time to help animals.

Here are 10 ways you can help animals in less than 10 minutes:

  1. Join the PETA Action Team. After you join the Action Team, we’ll contact you about upcoming events and demonstrations in your area, urgent action alerts and breaking news, and you’ll receive tips on how you can improve the lives of animals every day.
  2. Take action through the PETA Action Centre. Through the Action Centre, you can write e-mails and sign petitions about everything from animal testing to factory farms to bullfighting – in a matter of minutes.
  3. Write to a local restaurant and ask them to introduce vegan options to their menu. You’d be surprised how many restaurants are open to adding vegan options to their menus when they know there is a demand for it. Adding vegan options to menus not only attracts vegans to restaurants but also shows non-vegans how tasty and diverse vegan food can be.food-instagram-collage1
  4. When you find new vegan-friendly restaurants and cafés, add them to HappyCow. HappyCow is a user-generated website and app that lists vegan- and vegetarian-friendly restaurants, cafés and health-food stores. So when you come across a new vegan-friendly spot, check to see if it’s on Happy Cow and, if it’s not, add it to spread the word.
  5. Buy vegan chocolate and share it with your friends, classmates or co-workers. Who doesn’t like chocolate?! There are some really delicious vegan chocolates on the market, like 2014 PETA Vegan Food Award winner Hotel Chocolat’s Fruit and Nut Frenzy Giant Slab. Showing people how “sweet” going vegan can be will let them know that going vegan isn’t about going without.
  6. Send us your old your fur clothes, jackets and accessories. Your donation of unwanted fur coats, stoles and trim will help us enormously with our educational displays and anti-fur “fashion shows”, and you’ll be helping to provide animals in need with bedding. It may be too late to save the lives of the animals who died to make the coat, but by sending it to us, we can put it to good use to help save the lives of countless more animals in the future.DSC_0016
  7. Leave a trail of animal rights leaflets wherever you go. Leafleting is one of the best ways to educate people about animal rights issues. It’s not only easy but also effective. You can post leaflets on bulletin boards in public areas such as libraries, veterinary offices, cat and dog supply stores, supermarkets, laundrettes and halls of residence.
  8. Wear an animal rights T-shirt. Wearing animal rights T-shirts is such an easy way to show the world what you believe in, and they’re often a conversation starter, which creates the opportunity for you to educate people on animal rights issues and encourage them to go vegan.Matthew Leafleting VSK
  9. Ask the Home Office to ban animal testing of household products and their ingredients. Did you know that dishwasher detergent, furniture polish, air freshener and laundry products all contain chemicals that may be tested on animals in cruel experiments? In these tests, animals have chemicals applied to or injected into their skin, dripped into their eyes or forced down their throats via a tube to check for effects such as vomiting, tremors, organ failure, paralysis and even death. Write to the Home Office Minister responsible for animal experiments and ask for a ban on animal testing for household products and their ingredients.
  10. Go vegan! The best way to help animals is to go vegan. Chickens, pigs and cows are mutilated, dosed with drugs and crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds. Fish are dragged from the water and die slowly, gasping for air. And the industries that exploit animals’ reproductive systems for dairy products and eggs have millions of forgotten victims: male offspring are killed while they’re still infants, and their mothers lead short, unhappy lives until they, too, are sent to slaughter. Humans don’t need to eat animals to live – in fact, we’re healthier if we don’t! Make a resolution that will save lives and leave you feeling better than ever before. Make a pledge to go vegan and order a free vegan starter kit!

Do you have any tips on how time-starved people can help animals? If so, share your suggestions in the comments!

The post 10 Ways to Help Animals in Under 10 Minutes appeared first on PETA UK.