NYC/LA/SF: vegan pop up dinners by Jay Astafa and Angela Lowe!


You guys! An amazing vegan dinner series launches this week and you have to go. They feature the bonkers vegan culinary skills of Jay Astafa and Angela Lowe. The first events are here in NYC–BK to be exact: April 9th, 10th, 14th, 18th, and 22nd. But do not despair west-coast vegans!:

“Beyond New York, The Culinary Collective is slated in June to host two dinners in California: one in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco. Different environment, identical reasons to secure tickets.”

Jay makes the best vegan food and I am going to eat everything on the menu. So come do that with me. Or let me eat your share; I’m game! To reserve your seat at the (delicious, delicious) table, go here!