The First Ever Vegan Road Show! Don’t Miss It!

And now! A word from Fat Gay Vegan about his awesome new event that everyone should support and then go to because it’s very incredibly awesome and the best:

Over here in London, we like to do vegan stuff on a grand scale. The third year outing for London Vegan Beer Fest is seeing the venue more than double in size, Vegfest is returning at the end of the year for 10 000+ guests and we are celebrating over 3 years of London Vegan Drinks being a monthly party.

Yep. The UK capital has a lot of plant-based partying going on.

I love being a part of the vegan explosion in London but all of this planning and hosting doesn’t leave me much time to explore other parts of the UK. To solve this problem, I have created a super fun music, activism and food collaboration called Vegan Roadshow.

This July, I am hitting the road with a rad vegan band called Love Like Hate and the kindhearted activists of Animal Equality in order to visit 9 cities across 10 dates.

Each stop of the tour is hosted in a vegan or vegan-friendly venue and will feature a live performance by Love Like Hate, while Animal Equality will be fronting a merch and info stand with the aim of signing people up to help with campaigning. Fat Gay Vegan (that’s me!) will be the host with the most (beer consumption) and vegan food will be available to buy at every gig.

Vegan Roadshow is taking the food, music and activism of plant-based living to almost every corner of the UK. We want to help independent vegan businesses, spread compassionate messages and strengthen our vegan communities. It’s a love thing. We will be visiting London, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Glossop, Oxford and Brighton.

Of course touring the country with a bunch of vegans is not cheap. First and foremost we need kale money. We will also require funds for vehicle hire, gas, accommodation and on-the-road incidentals. It is pricey, but we think you might like to help us.

An Indiegogo campaign page has been created to afford kind friends the opportunity to help get Vegan Roadshow on the road. If we could get just 2000 people to donate one British pound each (about US$1.50, 1.40 Euros or 22 pesos), our caravan of compassion will be hitting the motorways of the UK this summer.

The most popular perks for supporters are of course tickets to each stop of the Vegan Roadshow, but even if you can’t join us on tour we still have rewards for you. How about an FGV postcard signed just to you or EP downloads from the Vegan Roadshow resident band, Love Like Hate?

We are more than ready to take this vegan show on the road. We just need a little help from our friends.

Support vegan musicians. Support vegan businesses. Support animal activists. Improve outcomes for animals.

This guest post is courtesy of Fat Gay Vegan. We love him.