Product review: Silk Cashewmilk is creamy and delicious!


Silk has a new non-dairy milk! It’s made of cashews, which we rightly celebrate as the king of nuts for its dairy-mimicking properties. It is so creamy!

Usually I drink unsweetened plain almond milk, so after Silk sent me some coupons, I picked up the unsweetened cashew milk. Silk also makes an “original” that has some sugar, and they’re releasing vanilla and chocolate flavors this summer. The chocolate cashew milk is going to be undrinkably rich, like seriously intense. In the meantime, though, you could make a hardcore hot chocolate with the plain.

But back to this unsweetened original. First I drank it straight from a glass, as I used to enjoy my skim milk as a girl. The cashew milk was thick and creamy, and if it had a real flavor, it was too subtle for me to catch.

Next, I dunked some Mi-Del chocolate snaps in it: perfection. Later, I assembled some overnight oats with muesli, ground flax, and cashew milk for the next morning’s breakfast.

At breakfast, I accompanied my overnight oats with iced coffee, to which I also added cashew milk. My (new! ooh!) apartment’s radiators are pretty strong, and a hot breakfast just makes me sweat, so I had to move up the warm weather breakfast menu a month. That said, the cashew milk was PERFECT in both dishes. My problem with overnight oats is getting the proportions right: If you don’t add enough liquid, the oats are dry; add too much liquid and they’re soupy. But with the cashew milk they were thick and creamy and gloopy, just the way I like them. And the coffee? Delectable.

I would definitely buy Silk Cashewmilk again. It’s a little hard to find right now, but you can use Silk’s store locator to see if it’s sold anywhere near you. I hope it is! It’s insanely creamy and mild. If you used to drink whole milk, you are going to flip. Nutritionally, it’s nearly equivalent to the almond milk; while the almond milk has more protein and fat, the cashew milk has more vitamin E, 50 percent of your RDA of B12, and 30 percent of your RDA of Riboflavin, aka vitamin B2. It’s B-vitamin rich, which is exactly what vegans need! I love this stuff!