Animal News You Can Use: All about chickens


It was a big week for chickens!

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof kicked it off by publishing a
potent piece
about the routine mistreatment of these birds, as exposed by Mercy For Animals.

Compass Group, the world’s largest food service provider,
it’s getting rid of eggs from caged hens in its supply
chain, and with a shorter timeline than Aramark and Sodexo. These
announcements combined will improve the lives of 3.8 million animals a

It’s not all good news for chickens, though. Sadly,
vandals killed several hundred thousand chickens at South Carolina
factory farms recently. I offer my

about these particular animals’ fate compared to what normally happens to chickens.

But back to good news: HSUS’s plant-based trainings of food service directors and chefs continue to grow. Check out the
San Diego Union Tribune
of our latest symposium.

So, just how popular is it to eat more vegan food these days? The word “vegan” is now

outperforming Coke
in social media mentions!

P.S. Video of the week: The rat and cat who love each other.