Wheaty: amazing vegan sausage from Germany!


Who makes better sausage than the Germans?! Lucky for us German sausage-lovers, Wheaty is making real deal German sausage, vegan-style. YAY!

My fave is the Gran Chorizo. I get it on VeganEssentials.com. It’s not spicy like I think chorizo usually is, it’s a mild flavor. But it’s firm and sausage-y and just tastes good. I eat it on crackers, with a little vegan cheese if I have some or just on it’s own. And my very favorite chickpea frittata filling is grilled onion and Wheaty chorizo. Yumsville!

I love Wheaty so much that I wrote them to tell them. Then they sent me some of their super fun “space bars” to try!


They are all yummy. I ate them plain and they are a great little snack. I gave the spicy one to my friends Jess and James because I knew it would be perfect for their camping adventures! They were super into it, ate it on crackers as well. The space bars keep for super long and you don’t need to refrigerate them. Jess and James agree, Space Bars are the jam!* You can get many of the flavors on Vegan Essentials as well. If your kid likes sausage, these would be great in a lunch box. And you can just keep them around the office or whatevs if you ever want a savory snack you can grab real easy.

Not only do they make darn good sausage, the company is super environmentally friendly too! And all their products are palm oil free. Basically, I’m in love!

What I really want though is to try their fresh products we can’t get here. I have some fam in Germany, I’m going to visit and be like…”yeah museums sound cool…if they are open after I’m done eating all the Wheaty Schnitzel and Bratwurst!” I mean, LOOK AT THIS STUFF:


I WANT. I want bad. For now though, I will keep eating the chorizo. But…one day!

*haaaaa Space Jam.