SF Bay Area! May 2nd: Celebrate Food Empowerment Project’s 8 year anniversary!


Mark your calendars! On Saturday, May 2, vegan food justice group (and Vegansaurus favorite!) Food Empowerment Project will be celebrating their 8th birthday, and you are invited.

For the past 8 years, F.E.P. has been organizing as an almost entirely volunteer group focused on promoting ethical veganism, justice for workers, expanded access to healthy foods in low income communities, and much else. They are one of the key groups linking these different struggles, and they mount campaigns, maintain vigils, provide direct support, release reports, and make resources available, all on a shoestring budget.*

All of this, you will be unsurprised to learn, takes some amount of money. So, on May 2, there’s an opportunity to chip in and help the organization continue to grow, while also eating delicious food and hanging out with rad folks!

From 2-5 pm in Ross, CA, we’ll be hosting a vegan BBQ – there will be plenty of food, a silent auction with prizes you actually want, and live music. Numerous vegan luminaries will be milling around, as well as F.E.P. founder lauren Ornelas and other board members. It will be fun (and kid-friendly!).

Please check out the link here for more details and tell your friends and family. Tickets are $25 and on a sliding scale (kids get in free). If money’s an issue, just let us know. We really want to celebrate our supporters at the same time we celebrate what F.E.P. has achieved so far.

If you are unfamiliar with F.E.P.’s work, please check out the fact-filled home page, Vegan Mexican Food, and lauren’s blog at Appetite for Justice.

If you are familiar with F.E.P., what are you waiting for? Hope to see you there.

*(Full disclosure: I also serve on F.E.P.’s board, so of course I’m enthusiastic. But all of these things would be true even if that weren’t the case.)

This guest post was brought to you by Rick Kelley! Thanks, Rick!