Animal News You Can Use! This week: Cultured meat, evangelical Christians, and a traveling pig!


Interested in how HSUS operates with companies? Fortune Magazine has a must-read article this week entitled, “How the Humane Society convinced nearly 100 food companies to take their animals out of cages.”

Interested in how HSUS operates in the evangelical Christian world? The Washington Post has the story, “Inside the evangelical push to rally around animal ethics.”

Remember how the world’s first cultured meat burger in 2013 had a price tag of $325,000? It’s now down to $11.

You know about the big battle over the US dietary guidelines? The Hill reports on it this week with an article entitled “Federal report: Vegan diet best for planet.”

Finally, did you miss my friend Gene Baur discussing factory farming and vegan issues on The Daily Show? Check it out!

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at  

P.S. Video of the week: I’m jealous of this pig!

P.P.S. If you ever wondered what I eat, my friends at Lighter have enabled you to wonder no longer.