It’s Pesto Season! Celebrate with these 5 vegan recipes!

According to my calculations (my neighbor’s basil plant), pesto season is here once again! What a joyous time of year it is. A quick look at confirms my fellow vegans are just as excited! Here are a few yummy looking recipes I found just within the first few pages!


Well HELLO NURSE! Pur Body Nutrition is nailing pesto season with this glorious spinach and macadamia nut pesto. HAVE MERCY. 


Not to be outdone, the delightfully titled blog Potatoes are Like Poems is killing it with this pistachio, basil and spinach pesto. I WANT TO EAT THIS ALL THE DAYS. 


Pumpkin and Peanut Butter (two of my favorite things!) delights us with this sunflower seed basil pesto!


And Fitting Into Vegan is going cray with this guacamole pesto. Out of control!


And finally, let’s not forget the ramp pesto recipe my friend showed you last year! For the brave among us!