Blueberry Pineapple Kale Smoothie

Blueberry Pineapple Smoothie

Yep, this one’s exactly what it sounds like: blueberries, pineapple, and kale. If that doesn’t scream “DELICIOUS” to you, you should probably get checked out by a doctor. Someone I trust advised that I give this murky-looking smoothie a real good name so as not to sell it short: Blueberry Sunshine! Amethyst Ahimsa! But what can I say? Cutesy, culturally appropriating names aren’t really my style. Just one more thing to add to the (very, very long) list of reasons I’ll never get a cookbook deal!

Looks aside, though: this is a smoothie worth making. I lifted this idea from a smoothie I drank at Claire’s last summer. I haven’t been able to get that sweet, frozen libation out of my mind since … nor have I summoned the will to fork over another eight bucks for something so simple. This smoothie epitomizes summer refreshment, and would probably be a great way to introduce someone scared of kale to the idea of drinking vegetables. Plus, I think it’s best when made in a regular blender, so don’t fret if you don’t own a high-speed one. It’s sweet and bright and has some real texture to it from the kale and blueberry skins, which I love!

Blueberry Pineapple Kale Smoothie
Recipe type: Drinks
Prep time: 
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Serves: 1-2

  • ½ c fresh or frozen blueberries
  • ½ c fresh or frozen pineapple
  • 1 c fresh kale (rinsed and lightly packed)
  • ½ a fresh or frozen banana
  • ¾ c water or ice (or coconut water)

  1. Put everything in a blender and pulse briefly until almost smooth.
  2. Drink up!

As with most fruit smoothies, this one is very versatile. The key is to make sure 1-2 of your ingredients are frozen. If you’re using fresh blueberries, I recommend using frozen pineapple, fresh banana, and water. If you’re using frozen blueberries, I recommend using fresh pineapple, fresh banana, and water. If you’re using all fresh fruit, use ice instead of water to make it frosty. If you’d like a thinner smoothie, just add a little water; for a thicker one, add a cube or two of ice.


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