Charges Mount Against Company That Trained Military Personnel in UK

Cruelty to Animals, Racism and Alleged Sexual Assaults

A shocking PETA US video shows a contractor shooting pigs and denigrating Muslims – the group’s complaint alleges drugging and physical abuse of US service members in the UK.

A breaking eyewitness investigation and related documents have revealed mutilations of animals, along with racism, alleged physical and sexual abuse of military service members, illegal human experimentation and other apparently illegal activities in the UK and abroad by Deployment Medicine International (DMI) – the US military’s leading contractor for medical training courses in which live animals are shot and stabbed.

PETA UK has sent a letter to Niall Dickson, Chief Executive and Registrar of the General Medical Council, calling on him to investigate these serious allegations and, if corroborated, permanently ban DMI from conducting medical training in the UK.

In PETA US’ disturbing video of another DMI course attended by personnel from the Navy and Air Force as well as others, instructors shot live pigs with shotguns and cut them up to cause massive bleeding.

In the video, one instructor tells a room full of students that Muslims – whom he refers to as “Hajis” – “would be even better” than using pigs for DMI’s deadly training.

Related documents uncovered by PETA US show that during a DMI course in the UK attended by US military personnel, DMI’s president apparently instructed or allowed a student to perform an invasive procedure on a drugged male student’s penis without apparent prior knowledge or consent and without proper oversight and committee approval.

Shooting and stabbing pigs is an archaic and inferior method of teaching battlefield medicine – and it certainly fosters insensitivity to both humans and animals. The US Department of Defense has an obligation to protect animals and soldiers by replacing these animal laboratories with modern medical simulators, which military researchers agree are more effective and 100 per cent humane.

In recent years, DMI has maimed and killed more than 14,000 pigs and received more than 200 US federal training contracts worth nearly £6.5 million.

Sadly, the fact that a handful of countries mutilate live animals as part of barbaric and unnecessary training exercises is not news to us. We were already aware of the appalling abuse of animals by the British Army as part of “Operation Danish Bacon”, for which, twice a year, personnel are flown over to Denmark to blast apart live pigs.

Please speak out! Pressure from PETA and our international affiliates already persuaded Poland to drop these atrocious live-animal exercises altogether. Let’s ask the UK to do the same.

The post Charges Mount Against Company That Trained Military Personnel in UK appeared first on PETA UK.