Happy Herbivore Week in Review {June 15-19}

Here’s what you missed on Happy Herbivore this week…

Overweight his entire adult life, Benji stumbled upon “Forks Over Knives” almost 2 years ago and it forever changed his life. Two years after transitioning to a plant-based diet he’s lost over 130lbs, making him half his size!! Read his incredible story here.

Fight summer chaos with this week’s meal plan! Life is hectic and busy, make it easier on yourself.

Download it here!

Serve up Beetzas (NEW!), Cauliflower Samosa Tacos (NEW!), Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles, Cookie Dough Overnight Oats (NEW!) & more!

I shared this on the HH Facebook page this week:

We need to get away from using “good” and “bad” with food — stop assigning morality to food (I am working on this myself) there are no good foods or bad foods, just better choices. And too: Eat the best plants you can afford. It’s about EFFORT not perfection–and consistency. ?#?ProgressNotPerfection?

A new Meal Mentor podcast is up!

In this episode Marla (my copilot!) and I talk about body image, and how our early childhoods, friends, and “Hollywood” can mess up how we see ourselves. (Plus real world tips for finding self-acceptance and loving our bodies a little bit more).

Marla is also a cancer survivor and for a long time she thought her meds kept her from losing weight, but ultimately she realized she was using her meds as an “excuse” and that when she stuck with it — adhered to the meal plans and her nutritional excellence — the weight came off.

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