Meet the lucky, adorable animals of Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue!


If you’ve ever turned on the tv to see a frightened animal escaped from a slaughterhouse and running scared, chances are Mike Stura was already in his truck on route to save him from imminent death. If there’s an animal in need, Mike does whatever he can to help. Along with Wendy, the other half of this dynamic, animal activist couple, they’ve recently opened Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue in Wantage, NJ and they are now officially open weekends for visitors.


In their words, Skylands is about “Rescuing, rehabilitating, advocating on behalf of, and providing lifelong homes for animals. Promoting a vegan way of living. Farm animal rescue.”


Visitors can take a tour of the vast acreage to learn about their current (and ever-growing) brood of residents: cows, goats, chickens, and turkeys. Hear stories of their personal journeys to sanctuary and bring a
non-vegan to gently open their eyes to the wonder of these animals whose fates are rarely this lucky. My mom has been vegetarian ever since a 2009 visit to a sanctuary. It can work for someone you love as well!


It’s already my new favorite place to visit and support. I cannot wait to return.


Can’t visit, but still want to contribute to this amazing work? You can do so directly from their website, just click the “donate” button on the top, right corner.


Ed. note: Abby didn’t include this pic so I stole it from her instagram. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING RIGHT?! Cutie pie silly face!