Animal News You Can Use: Tell Costco to go cage-free!


A new HSUS exposé into a major Costco egg supplier led to national news coverage for laying hens this week, including an ABC Nightline feature, as well as coverage in the Wall Street Journal, TIME, Reuters, The Mirror, and much more. As well, Senator Blumenthal—the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection—publicly called on Costco to eliminate cage eggs from its shelves.

On that note: Do you have a second to call Costco and ask the company to do what it indicated it was going to do eight years ago and stop selling eggs from caged hens?

But promising news from Latin America: Brazil’s major meat producer JBS announced this week that it’s ending its gestation crate use by next year.

And back to the US: You know of course that if someone starved five dogs, he’d likely get arrested. But what happens when someone starves 50,000 chickens? I offer some thoughts in a new Modesto Bee op-ed.

Finally, animals lost a great friend yesterday. Here are some thoughts of mine about Lisa Shapiro, may she rest in peace.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video the week: A rescued battery hen gets a birthday cake!