A Bunny Cafe is coming to Melbourne! Let’s all move to Australia!


(Photo courtesy of Bunny Cafe’s Facebook page and SOMEBUNNY please help me not make a thousand rabbit-related puns in this post…)

Melbourne, Australia seems to be growing into a haven of vegan cafes and businesses, so it only makes sense that some folks there are trying to open the continent’s first bunny cafe to benefit a local, no-kill rabbit shelter, Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage. There will be furry ones wandering around the cafe, while people enjoy their morning espresso and they will educate patrons on proper rabbit care. What a hare-raising idea! (Whatever you do, definitely watch the IndieGoGo video! SO MUCH FURRY CUTENESS!)

There will be coffee, vegan and vegetarian fare and BUNS galore in their cafe! And if this crowdfunding campaign goes well, they will have so much bunny-themed stuff (decor, cups, even food) in the cafe, it’ll be HOPPIN’! 

So, please hop on over to their Facebook page and tell all your friends about it! (Sorrynotsorry, I tried with the bun puns.)