Animal News You Can Use: Truly Stunning

The first sentence of this new Politico story is among the most incredible developments I’ve ever seen: “The nation’s largest egg industry group is conceding the fight over a proposed ballot initiative in Massachusetts that would bar the in-state sale of meat or eggs from caged animals raised anywhere in the nation.”

To quote the journalist: “Repeat egg industry losses — at the voting booth, in the courts and in public eye—show how effective HSUS has been in pushing its agenda.”

(And the article ends just as stunning as it began, with the president-elect of the National Pork Producers council saying he predicts the future of pork production won’t involve gestation crates.)

Peter Singer—author of Animal Liberation—comments on the historic nature of this progress in a new op-ed you should check out. Even the editorial board of The Des Moines Register—the biggest paper in the biggest egg production state—says Iowa’s egg industry is likely going to have to go cage-free now.

Video of the week: The grizzly bear got so happy when he heard about the demise of the battery cage.

P.P.S. The renowned Dr. Michael Greger of HSUS and Nutrition Facts has a new book coming out that will rock your world. In fact, it skyrocketed to the #8 book sold on all of Amazon this week. Preorder today!