Restaurant Review: 3 Brothers Vegan Cafe is Next Level


As we mention previously, Jay Astafa opened his own vegan restaurant at the end of July, and with our dear Laura coming to NYC last month, this was fate! So we rented a car and hightailed it to 3 Brothers Vegan Cafe in Long Island. I kept saying I was going on a roadtrip and apparently that was hilar to all my New York friends but whatevs it was a roadtrip adventure so stuff it. 

Before we get into it, let’s cut to the chase: AMAZING. This place is next-level vegan Italian. It’s pretty much out of control and more-than-worth the trip. 

Now, getting into our meals: up top you see some of the appetizers we got. The appetizers include many items Jay Astafa catering fans will be familiar with, and it’s just so nice to be able to pick and choose and order as many as you want! Instead of fighting with party-goers for pass hors d’oeuvres, amirite?

So we got the polenta fries (top left), the caprese with cashew milk mozzarella (top right), fried mac and cheese balls (below), buffalo cauliflower (below below) and tofu crab cakes (not pictured). Like, CAN YOU STAND IT?! I mean, I cannot, and I was there. My favorite was the caprese–how long as it been since you’ve had that?? The cashew mozzarella was so soft and delicious. My second favorite, the mac and cheese balls duh. Topped with truffle aioli and coconut bacon, these are delicious bites of awesomeness.


To cleanse our palate between apps and entrees, we got the jackfruit pizza: bbq pulled jackfruit, fresh cashew milk mozzarella and
cheddar, and red onions. I had to take a break at this point in anticipation of my spaghetti but these pizza slices went like hotcakes. Or like you’d image bbq pulled jackfruit pizza would. 


Above is my spaghetti and meatballs! I know, not very exotic but I just heart spaghetti and meatballs heheh. It’s spaghetti with housemade seitan meatballs, tomato sauce, and cashew parmesan. It was…wonderful. The meatballs were perfect. I will say the sauce wasn’t as fresh tasting as I’d like but the meatballs and parm more than made up for it. 

In the back of that pic, you’ll see Laura’s orecchiette with housemade seitan sausage, broccoli rabe, garlic, white wine, extra virgin olive oil, and cashew parmesan. Now this…THIS right here was sent from heaven. So creamy and the sausage was delicious. 

We got some of the entrees like seitan piccata but I was so full at this point I didn’t get to try. But they were beautiful and came with mashed potatoes and other yummy fixings. 


Now according to Meave, they have an in-house dessert chef, but that person must have been on vacay because the desserts when we were there were all from Abby Bean favorite Vegan Treats. We got the chocolate covered cannolis OBVI WE HAD TO and this glorious brownie-topped cheesecake. Delish and the perfect ending to the perfect vegan Italian feast.

Jay Astafa, you’ve done it this time! We’re coming back to eat everything! Hope you can fit some Vegansaurus-sized cots in the back cause we’re moving in!