More Than 25,000 Supporters Speak Out Against Foston Pig Farm

We’ve just dispatched an open letter to the UK Planning Inspectorate, signed by thousands of PETA supporters, urging it to reject an application for a monstrous pig factory farm to be built in Foston, Derbyshire.UK pig farm

Here are a few key facts about this proposed intensive farm:

  • If built, it would send approximately 1,000 sensitive, intelligent pigs a week to be slaughtered for their flesh.
  • It would generate 45,000 tonnes of toxic pig slurry a year.
  • Pigs raised for meat may be as young as 15 weeks old when they’re sent to the abattoir.
  • Pigs on farms such as this one are frequently mutilated by having their teeth ground down and tails cut off without painkillers.
  • The Environment Agency rejected the original application because it would result in “offence to human senses”.

As you might expect, many local people are dismayed by the thought of having this smelly, dirty and unethical facility spring up in their community. And caring people all over the country – and the world – are sickened by the thought of how hundreds of thousands of pigs would likely suffer in miserable conditions if the farm is built.

More than 25,000 compassionate people added their names to our letter – that’s a signature for every one of the 25,000 pigs who would be imprisoned on the farm.

Although the original application was refused planning permission, the applicant, Midland Pig Producers, has now appealed to the central Planning Inspectorate, which has the final say over whether the farm can be built. We’ve raised our voices loud to try to make sure that officials make the right decision for animals! As soon as we learn the final verdict, we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, for more ways to speak out for farmed animals, sign up to our Action Team.

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© Taija Rinne

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