Animal News You Can Use: Bye-bye, bird cages!

A big win for little mayo this week: The FDA finds that Hampton Creek can continue calling its egg-free mayo “Just Mayo.”

The egg industry may not be that pleased by the decision, but it has other concerns, too. An Ohio paper headlined with week: “Pressure cracks egg industry,” with the first sentence reading, “Bye-bye, bird cages.” And even Egg Industry magazine published a major story on how the egg industry’s future is one without cages. And that’s not just in the US. They say the no-cage revolution is rocking Latin America now, too.

And some promising news for cows this week, with Ben & Jerry’s telling its milk suppliers: no more tail-cutting of dairy cows.

Finally, my coworker Dr. Michael Greger’s new book, How Not to Die, is at #6 on the NY Times bestseller list this week! (Hint: Makes a great stocking stuffer…)

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: How rabbits voluntarily put on lipstick.

P.P.S. Save the date! The national Taking Action for Animals conference in DC will be June 17-20!