For the Love of Dog Biscuits: Easy homemade vegan treats for your best friend!


Hi folks, 89 here. I’m taking over for my human, Abby Bean, because she’s busy baking me more biscuits.

Her pal Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals (FOA for those in the know), sent us their newest cookbook, For the Love of Dog Biscuits and I could kiss her right on the mouth for it. Even though I kept glancing at it meaningfully and tapping my paw, AB kept it on the coffee table for weeks before she finally got the hint and began baking.


I could tell when she started that she just wasn’t into it. Kneading? Rolling pin? She’s very lazy. So I just sat patiently smelling all the things I love, such as pumpkin, peanut butter, sweet potato, and willing her with my giant eyes to hurry up.


It really took her no time at all. It was so simple that she made me two flavors in one night, but then wrapped a bunch up for our pals. Whatevs; I still had plenty.

I heard her kvetching that most dogs get mass-produced dog biscuits, but I AM NOT MOST DOGS. Also, shut up Abby. Once she saw how much I loved them she promised to make them for me again and again for always (now that this in print it has to be true), so peep her Insta (really mine) for more biscuits in future.

If you love your dog to bits like my human does, this cookbook should definitely be on your holiday wishlist. It’s separated by month with a timely seasonal recipe for each. So far she’s made April (because she doesn’t follow rules): Lola’s All Paws Up Sweet Potato Biscuits, and November: Cinnamon Clove Pumpkin Biscuits; I can’t pick a favorite.


Do yourself and your human a favor by picking up this book and supporting FOA, it’s win-win!