Animal News You Can Use: Year of the Chicken!

Welcome to 2016, the year Massachusetts voters are likely to
go to the polls and decide the fate of vast numbers of farm animals.

Why do I call 2015 the Year of the Chicken? The San Diego Union-Tribune’s got that story this week, and

Alternet’s got a new interview
with my coworker Josh Balk on the topic, too. But the fact that

just announced that they’re converting to 100 percent
cage-free eggs gives you an indication of how the past year went for
these long-suffering birds. And

 and The Guardian all published features this week on the cage-free revolution that rocked the
egg industry in 2015.

Still wondering what your resolution ought to be
for the New Year? I offer five reasons for enjoying more plant-based
meals in this home page

Huffington Post feature
. And good news,
the Associated Press reports
that it’s getting easier than ever to do just that because of innovative new start-ups.

May 2016 bring even more progress for animals!

Video of the week
: Piglets opening their holiday gifts!