7 Friendly, Fun and Easy Ways to Persuade Others to Go Vegan

We know that going vegan is the best way to help animals. But why stop there? Those who already make compassionate choices at the dinner table and shopping centre can make a huge additional difference for animals by doing one simple thing: help others go vegan!

By sharing your animal-friendly lifestyle with others, you have the power to help people make a fantastic positive change in their lives and help save animals in the process. Hearing about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle from a friend, family member, teammate or colleague can be very powerful. So take up the fight for animals and have a go at inviting those in your life to go vegan.

Share the vegan pledge.


New Year’s Eve is a time when people are looking for fresh ideas for resolutions that are more impactful than joining the gym. This makes it the perfect time to suggest to your friends and family that they should take the January vegan pledge and eat vegan for the month. Our list of five reasons to take the pledge might encourage them or just suggest it would be a fun challenge for January.

Make a public Facebook post.

Reason #2 why going vegan needs to be your New Year’s Resolution:Your health.

Posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) UK on Sunday, 27 December 2015

Using your social media accounts, you can easily send out a thought-provoking message that will reach all your friends at once. Try a creative approach like sharing your own success story, why you went vegan, the resources that helped you on your journey or even photos of your tasty animal-free meals. If you can, encourage comments from your friends, giving you even more chances to help people along and answer their questions.

Cook and share vegan food.

Staff Potluck Vegan Food

It’s easy to overcome any prejudices against plant-based food by showing people how delicious it is. You could try throwing a dinner party for friends, offering up a menu for your family dinner, cooking an evening meal for your housemates or bringing tasty animal-friendly food and drink to parties and festive events. Perhaps you could cook a delicious vegan cake to share with your co-workers and only reveal that it’s vegan after the compliments have come flooding in.

Share animal-related documentaries.

If you’re having trouble persuading people to choose a cruelty-free lifestyle, let some of the many animal-related documentaries do the talking for you. One of them is sure to connect with an interest of someone you know. For animal lovers, why not pitch a hard-hitting look at animal rights issues by watching Earthlings? Or for those with a keen interest in environmental issues, you could suggest the fascinating documentary Cowspiracy.

Start a conversation.


Ever been at a meal with your colleagues, only to be relentlessly questioned about your choice to avoid meat and dairy products? Put a positive spin on this often frustrating situation by explaining exactly why you have chosen a diet free of animal products and all the fantastic benefits you’ve enjoyed – not to mention the lives you are saving!

Leaflet or Attend a Demonstration

Once you’ve spoken up for animals to your friends, get strangers thinking about who’s on their plate by leafleting or attending a demonstration. Find a local animal rights group or order some PETA leaflets and organise an outreach day yourself.

Join the Action Team

Kooples protest on Carnaby Street

After doing everything you can to persuade family and friends to go vegan, you might find you have a gift for it. Join PETA’s Action Team, and we’ll contact you about upcoming events and demonstrations in your area, urgent action alerts and breaking news, and you’ll receive tips on how you can improve the lives of animals every day.

Feeling inspired by the many ways you can make a change for animals? Now’s the perfect time to get a warm and fuzzy feeling from all the achievements PETA made in 2015 with the help of supporters like you!

The post 7 Friendly, Fun and Easy Ways to Persuade Others to Go Vegan appeared first on PETA UK.