Animal News You Can Use: It’s nuts!

Does it seem strange to you that there’s so little
discussion among the fiscally conservative candidates about Big Ag
feeding from the federal corporate welfare trough? I offer some thoughts
in a new
National Review piece.

Another week, and more big retailers keep rocking the egg industry. This week,

Trader Joe’s
Cracker Barrel
, Golden Corral,
are the latest to commit to 100 percent cage-free timelines. Wondering what going cage-free means?
Eater has an in-depth look this week with photos.

Finally, HSUS continues to spearhead efforts to
implement meat reduction policies in school districts across the nation,
including at

schools in Connecticut
—check it out.

Video of the week
: Need help bringing in your groceries? These dogs can do it!

P.P.S. Want to know who’s speaking at the national Taking Action for Animals conference in DC June 17 to 20?
Check it and register now!