Sweet To Lick: Delicious vegan pastries in Long Island!


So back in September when Laura was visiting, we decided we had to go check out Three Brothers Vegan Cafe! So we rented a car for our big Long Island road trip (which my coworkers found endlessly hilarious), and we set out on our journey! Well actually, we got in the car at like 11 am and then realized the restaurant didn’t open until 4…so what to do? I did a yelp search for ANYTHING vegan that we could do on the way. Lo and behold: Long Island has its own all-vegan bakery: Sweet to Lick!

What a happy discovery! Sweet to Lick is THE JAM. I mean, look at this s’mores cake, can you even?!?!?!?!!?1/1!!11?!?!!1?


And then they had this cookie covered cake!


The cakes were v impressive but we stuck with the smaller items. Like the items up top AND THIS BOMB SMORES BAR:


Now the only thing I like better than sweet baked goods is savory baked goods! Idk I just love a savory pastry. And I was in luck! Sweet to Lick has many yummy seitan pastries and whatnot:


Moral of the story: This is a MUST-STOP if you’re in Long Island! And it makes the perfect lunch destination on your way to Three Brothers. Dang, Long Island, you got it going ON!