Animal News You Can Use: frothing at the mouth

Though the meat industry’s frothing at the mouth over our Massachusetts ballot measure aimed at preventing the sale of products from caged animals, one Boston Globe columnist takes a different view than the pork lobby’s, writing today that he sees the ballot measure as a way to help move our culture out of a “medieval mentality” with regard to animals.

Another way to move into the 21st century could be what Memphis Meats is doing. Fortune magazine reports this week on how one of the hottest food start-ups is (not) killing it.

Speaking of food, ever wonder what HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle eats? The New Haven Register’s got the deets!

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at

P.S. Cartoons of the week: What if animals treated us how we treat them?

P.P.S. Video of the week: I’ve never wanted to have a bear on a hammock with me as much as today.