Animal News You Can Use: What a Week!


The NY Times’ Nicholas Kristof ran a stellar column on what he calls The Humane Revolution that HSUS is helping spearhead, while the Times also published a wonderful op-ed on the lives of fish by HSUS’s Jonathan Balcombe. As well, Boston Globe writer Yvonne Abraham published a hard-hitting column supporting our Massachusetts ballot measure to end cage confinement of farm animals.

Remember when Idaho’s ag-gag law was ruled unconstitutional? Well now a judge has ordered the state to pay a quarter million dollars to the animal groups that brought the case.

Finally, if you like food decisions made easy, Lighter’s got your back, including some suggestions from me.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at

P.S. Video of the week: Sea lions in lawn chairs…enough said.

P.P.S. Want to celebrate all this progress and plan to make even more? You’ve got to come to the Taking Action for Animals conference next month in DC; it’s going to be amazing, so register now!