Guest Post: Here’s the Best Vegan Airplane Meal You Can Get (and It’s GD Delicious!)

If you’re anything like me you approach in flight dining with a feeling of trepidation. Will the airline forget your meal? Will it even be edible? Is that little pack of margarine gonna be chock full of lactose? Because of these worries and my propensity for serious hanger if I have to skip a meal I always board planes with a tote bag full of snacks. Sandwiches. Muffins. A couple of chocolate bars. Hummus stuffed into my liquid bag. You get the idea. It had never crossed my mind that an airline could nail it so superbly that I wouldn’t need to touch a single one of my own snacks but it happened when I flew with JAL.

As soon as the tray was put down in front of me I was reaching for my phone to snap a pic because it looked almost too good to be true. A little sleuthing tells me that JAL consulted with a vegan chef who currently works at Tokyo’s best burger joint, Ain Soph Ripple, because they genuinely care about what vegans eat.

Proudly displaying the VGML sign the meal consisted of a delicious grain filled veggie burger, flavourful rice, bean salad, steamed veggies, pickles, and the icing on the cake, a chocolate brownie with raspberry sauce. Mind. Blown. This meal will have me flying on JAL again faster than you can say hanami season.

Jojo is the British blogger behind vegan travel, food, and lifestyle blog Vegan in Brighton. She’s been travelling since January 2015 and has a can’t stop won’t stop attitude!