Recently Certified Products: July 13-July 20

As we mentioned last week, we’re going to start doing a weekly “round-up” of products we’ve certified! That way, you know what has the Certified Vegan logo, meets the standards, and know what cool, new things to keep an eye out for. And there are ALWAYS cool vegan things to keep an eye out for!

In the past week, we’ve certified:


Salt Way‘s ENTIRE skincare collection, ranging from body oils to bath bombs, salt scrubs and salt soaps. Salt Way’s products are a natural alternative to some bath and skincare items that use sulfates, dyes, and fragrances. Plus, everything contains himalayan salt, which has been getting a lot of positive press over the past few years for being a great skincare (and edible) ingredient. It’s even been reported that bathing in “pink salt” can stimulate your circulation and soothe sore muscles, so grab a bath bomb and get to soakin’.


Willow’s Wonders Cookies, two classic cookie flavors (chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin), free from gluten, dairy, egg, peanuts, and soy! For our gluten-free or nut-allergy vegans, these cookies would be perfect for you! The cookies are now being made in a dedicated allergen-free facility, though for our coconut-sensitive vegans, coconut is an ingredient. Other common allergens, however, won’t be found in these surprisingly-moist gluten-free treats! Vegan, GF, refined sugar-free, Kosher…perfect.


Pleni Naturals is a bath and skin line for baby, toddlers, and children. With wholesome ingredients like fresh raspberries and cucumbers and no toxic ingredients in sight, little vegans will have a blast in the bath–and will be soft and sweet-smelling afterward! Pleni Naturals uses fresh fruits and vegetables to not only soothe the skin, but to also introduce little ones to veggies being, well, fun. Why the focus on these ingredients though? According to founder Allyson,

“Because what we put on our skin goes in our body. And our natural and organic fruit and vegetable ingredients are wholesome, nutritious and packed full of beneficial vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids.”


– THE BROWN CRAYON PROJECT is another great skincare lines for little ones, although it hasn’t launched quite yet! The line, which is all certified, contains bath products, moisturizers and a hair mist. And the best park about the company? The Brown Crayon Project is the first company to make organic products for all the babies of color out there! We can’t wait for the launch and hope the line meets a need that has yet to be met. You can keep up with their progress by signing up to hear about launch news.

We’re excited about all of these and hope you are too!

Have any products you’d like to see certified? Email the company and tell them to get in touch with us!

The post Recently Certified Products: July 13-July 20 appeared first on Vegan Action.