Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use! Come Meet Peter Singer!

Your latest from Paul Shapiro, the Vice President of Farm Animal Protection at HSUS!

Want to meet philosopher Peter Singer and talk with some of America’s leading food and ag journalists? HSUS’s Future of Food and Farming conference this October in DC is the conference for you. Space is limited, so sign up now!

Upton Sinclair would likely be proud to see the Chicago Tribune’s eight-part series (here’s one part) exposing abuses in the pork industry this week. It’s very worth checking out.

While so much farm animal focus is on Question 3 in Massachusetts right now, big agribusiness money ispouring into Oklahoma on a ballot measure to prevent restrictions on agribusiness operations.

These battles are going to last many, many years. And if you’d like to live long enough to be a part of them for those long years, a major new study suggests you better be eating plants.

Video of the week: Chimps at HSUS’s Black Beauty Ranch enjoyed a nice birthday party!